Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Achieving the Remarkability Factor

Achieving the Remarkability Factor

The process and journey of continuing to strive for remarkability is a challenge. Pursuing excellence is tough. IT IS HARD WORK!!! There is no getting around this……..I talk a lot about doing more and sharing more……….sometimes we can get so wrapped up in doing and sharing we forget the secret. The secret is BEING more!! This is the hard part!!!! No one wants to work harder on themselves, ME INCLUDED!

Last summer in coming back from Africa I came across a saying that really speaks to me…………………..

“BE AWARE OF GOING BACK TO WHAT YOU ONCE WERE…….when God wants you to be something YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN!!!”

We all give up to easily…….. we tell ourselves, “Oh it hurts, I can’t do that, I will never reach my goal…..” The voice in your head is yelling it to you so loud, you can’t hear anything else. You must turn off that voice!!!!!! Success is on the other side of that voice. We must come back to the remarkability keys.

ACCEPT AND ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR GIFTS AND YOUR VISION…………… we have to keep this in front of us at all times. You must say …I was not disobedient to the vision. Keep your eyes on the goal not on the ground. If you keep your eyes on the ground all you will see is the potholes, the barricades and the obstacles. Look UP!!! Look AHEAD!!!! You will overcome those obstacles one at a time. If you get tired………………REST! Resting is not quitting. Resting is gaining strength to move forward, to try again and again!

Quitting is stopping. Quitting is listening to the voice in your head that says you can’t do this. Quitting is going back to what you were. Never ………..never go back. Effort and striving may lie ahead of you! Pain and misery lie behind you! Comfort is misery’s best friend! Success is striving‘s companion. You choose everyday between comfort and success. What did you choose today, what did you choose yesterday? What do you choose at this moment??

I choose you! I choose success for you! I choose the path of remarkability for you. I choose the life you were meant to live for you! Will you choose to walk with me? We can choose each other! Together we can do this!!!

The second thing we must do is BELIEVE! The word seems overrated. Most people say they believe…………in the most half-hearted way. I can pick out someone who only says they believe in less than five minutes, no matter what it is they are talking about. You know them too! We know it in our selves when it is half-hearted. People who truly believe …..ACT!!! They can’t help but ACT! They act because it is the natural result of true believing. The next time you’re talking to someone about anything they believe in, is there any action attached to it?

If you can’t seem to muster the strength to believe for yourself……………….then believe for the people who are depending on you. Believe for those who are waiting for your gift, YOUR voice to come to fruition. Remember belief is the hope of things not seen. Belief is not what you already are. Belief is the hope of what you will become. Belief is the certainty of becoming what you have never been. Belief is the conviction of your personal truth. Belief is action. Action is using your voice. Using your voice is taking a stand!!!


I choose TO BELIEVE in you! I choose to believe in success for you! I choose, believe and act the path of remarkability for you. I choose to believe in the life you were meant to live! Will you choose to walk with me? We can choose each other. Together we can take a stand, together we can change the world, and together we can move the world!

Will you?

Will you accept your gift?

Will you choose?

Will you believe?

Will you act?


Bart Queen
Remarkability Expert
CEO, Speak America

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